Student Information


Welcome to Westminster


“A Proud Past…..A Promising Future”

 Daily Routine/Schedule


 A Wildcat Welcome to You

 A Message from the Administration:


Westminster Secondary School has a long tradition of academic and extra-curricular accomplishments of which we can be very proud. The school offers a broad range of courses in a variety of subjects, sports, clubs and student activities as well as support services to help ensure student success. The staff and students of Westminster are committed to creating an inclusive learning environment that welcomes students from diverse backgrounds. We promote diversity, respect, responsibility and academic excellence.

Our planner link shares information about expectations and school events that happen throughout the year. Students are expected to be aware of, and to follow, expectations that are outlined in the planner. We have many supports in place to help our students to be successful, which include our classroom teachers, our staff in our Resource Room, Student Success Room, and Guidance Department. Our staff are willing to provide extra assistance as needed. Be sure to access all of the resources that are available at the school to help you be successful.



Westminster Secondary School is a great place to learn and work. You are encouraged to become actively involved in everything that Westminster has to offer. Go Wildcats!


Mr. Matt Bradacs, Principal

Ms. Maggie Hanan, Vice-Principal

Mr. Zoltan Kiss, Vice-Principal

Westminster Administrative Team

 Guidance Counsellors



L. Barbon (B - L)

Guidance Department Head


B. Vladetic (A) 

M. Lang (M - Z)

Guidance ESL Students


 Student Parliament Positions

Student Parliament Executive Members for 2024-2025 
Abdul Al Hariri - Prime Minister
Eva Shekhibrahim - Deputy Prime Minister
Minister of Finance - Maya Abouzeenni and Heleen Bladia
Minister of Internal Communications - Esahac Tessema
Minister of Social Media Communications - Lina Hout
Grade 12 Representative - Aeshah Nayyef and Alyssa Taylor
Grade 11 Representative - Matthew Mehring
Grade 10 Representative - Yousof Al Mghari and Yamin Assaf
Grade 9 Representative - TBA
Staff Advisors - Ms. Al-Farawi, Ms. Kay and Ms. Lupsor
 School Expectations - Image of the Graduate
Westminster students and our graduates are expected to know, do, and value the following.





Life Skills

Students are expected to:

  • demonstrate a confident and positive sense of self and others
  • be flexible and adaptable
  • take initiative and lead where appropriate
  • possess skills for employability, self-employment and entrepreneurship
  • recognize and respond to change as a challenge and an opportunity
  • respond to challenges with grace and humour, energy and perseverance
  • work independently and as part of a team


Responsible Choices

Students are expected to:

  • plan and manage time, money, and other resources to achieve goals
  • exhibit conflict resolution and social skills
  • set goals and priorities in school, work and personal life
  • recognize and respect strengths and limitations in self and others
  • participate in leisure and fitness activities for a balanced and healthy lifestyle


Literacy and Numeracy

Students are expected to:

  • read, understand and use written materials
  • understand and solve problems using technology, math, science and logic
  • understand and appreciate how the arts, technology and media contribute to and influence society


Critical and Creative Thinking

Students are expected to:

  • think critically and creatively to evaluate situations, solve problems and make decisions
  • access, understand, evaluate and apply specialized knowledge to life and work (e.g. history, literature, the arts, physical, social and natural sciences, technology and math)
  • integrate learning from various subject areas
  • be innovative by creating and testing new ideas



Students are expected to:

  • write and speak one or both of Canada’s official languages
  • seek opportunities to learn international languages
  • listen actively to understand and learn
  • use and integrate technology and information systems
  • present ideas clearly for others



Individual Responsibility

Students are expected to:

  • act morally, ethically and legally
  • be accountable for their actions
  • be self-directed life-long learners


Community Responsibility

Students are expected to:

  • respect the historical and cultural heritage of Canada
  • respect the environment and use resources wisely
  • participate in community service activities


Global Responsibility

Students are expected to:

  • understand and appreciate the diversity of the world’s people and cultures
  • understand and respect the interdependence of the world’s people and the natural environment
  • understand and promote equality, justice and democracy
 Ontario Code of Conduct
A school is a place that promotes responsibility, respect, civility and academic excellence in a safe learning and teaching environment. All students, parents, teachers and staff have the right to be safe, and feel safe, in their school community. With this right comes the responsibility to be law-abiding citizens and to be accountable for actions that put at risk the safety of others or oneself.

The Ontario Code of Conduct sets clear provincial standards of behaviour. It specifies the mandatory consequences for student actions that do not comply with these standards. The Provincial standards of behaviour apply not only to students, but also to all individuals involved in the publicly funded school system – parents or guardians, volunteers, teachers and other staff members – whether they are on school property, on school buses or at school-authorized events or activities.

Fundamental Beliefs

  • Everyone has a responsibility to promote a safe environment.
  • Everyone should be aware of their rights, as active and engaged citizens. More importantly, everyone should also accept responsibility for protecting their rights and the rights of others. Responsible citizenship involves taking part in the civic life of the school.
  • All members of the school community are to be treated with respect and dignity, especially those in positions of authority.
  • Everyone has a responsibility to resolve conflicts in a way that is civil and respectful. Insults, hurtful acts and a lack of respect for others disrupt learning and teaching in a school community.
  • Everyone is expected to resolve conflicts without using violence. Physical aggression is not a responsible way to deal with other people. No one should use an object to injure another person, or even threaten to use an object to injure another person. This is unacceptable and puts everyone’s safety at risk. 

Standards of Behaviour

All school members must:

  • respect and follow all applicable laws
  • demonstrate honesty and integrity
  • respect differences in people
  • treat one another with dignity and respect at all times, especially when there is disagreement
  • respect and treat others fairly, regardless of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age or disability
  • respect the rights of others
  • show care and respect for school property and the property of others
  • take the proper steps to help those in need
  • respect all members of the school community, especially those in a position of authority
  • respect the need of others to work in an environment that encourages learning and teaching
  • seek help from school staff, if necessary, to resolve conflict peacefully
  • not swear at a teacher or at another person in a position of authority


School community members must not:

  • engage in any form of bullying, whether it is in person or through technology, like email or cell phones, or online through social media of any type
  • commit sexual assault
  • traffic weapons or illegal drugs
  • commit robbery
  • give alcohol to anyone under the legal drinking age
  • be in possession of a weapon, including firearms
  • use any object to threaten or intimidate another person
  • injure anyone with an object
  • be in possession or under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs, or give them to anyone else inflict or encourage others to inflict bodily harm
  • engage in hate propaganda or other types of behaviour caused by hate or bias
  • commit an act of vandalism that causes extensive damage to school property at the student’s school or to property on the school premises

Roles and Responsibilities

Principals, under the direction of their school board, take a leadership role in the daily operation of a school.

They provide this leadership by:

  • demonstrating care for the school community and commitment to academic excellence in a safe teaching and learning environment
  • holding everyone under their authority responsible for their behaviour and actions
  • empowering students to be positive leaders in their school and community
  • communicating regularly and meaningfully with all members of their school community 

Teachers and School Staff, under the leadership of their principals, help maintain order in the school and are expected to hold everyone to the highest standard of respectful and responsible behaviour.

As role models, staff upholds these high standards when they:

  • help students work to their full potential and develop their self-worth
  • empower students to be positive leaders in their classroom, school and community
  • communicate regularly with parents on important issues
  • maintain consistent standards of behaviour for all students
  • show respect for all students, staff, parents, volunteers and members of the school community
  • prepare students for the full responsibilities of citizenship.

Students are to be treated with respect and dignity. In return, they must demonstrate respect for themselves, for others and for the responsibilities of citizenship through acceptable behaviour.

Respect and responsibility are demonstrated when a student:

  • comes to school prepared, on time and ready to learn
  • shows respect for himself/herself, for others and for those in authority
  • refrains from bringing anything to school that may put the safety of others at risk
  • follows the established rules and takes responsibility for his/her own actions.

Parents play an important role in the education of their children and can support the efforts of school staff in maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment for all students.

Parents fulfill this responsibility when they:

  • show an active interest in their child’s school work and progress
  • communicate regularly with the school
  • make sure their child is neat, properly dressed and prepared for school
  • ensure that their child attends school regularly and on time
  • inform the school promptly about their child’s absence or late arrival
  • become familiar with the provincial code of conduct, the board’s code of conduct and school rules
  • encourage and help their child follow the rules of behaviour
  • help school staff deal with disciplinary issues involving their child

Community Partners

Partnerships already in place may be enhanced and new partnerships with community agencies and members of the community may also be created. Community agencies are resources that school boards can use to deliver prevention or intervention programs. Community members need to support and respect the rules of their local schools.


The police play an essential role in making our schools and communities safer. Police investigate incidents in accordance with the protocol developed with the local school board. These protocols are based on a provincial model developed by the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services and the Ministry of Education.


 Westminster Code of Conduct

Westminster Secondary School and the Thames Valley District School Board abide by the standards of behaviour and consequences laid out in the Ontario Code of Conduct. Students and parents/guardians must familiarize themselves with the following chart at the beginning of each school year.




Academic Honesty

  • Complete all course assignments, assessments, and evaluations on their own unless otherwise instructed by their teacher; and
  • Cite another person’s words or ideas to avoid a charge of plagiarism.


  • Come to class with the appropriate book(s) and other necessary materials.
  • Submit assignments on the due date and study for tests, examinations, and final evaluations.
  • Extensions are to be negotiated in advance of a due date, not on the day the assignment is due.
  • Come to class on all assessment and evaluation days unless attending a school sanctioned event.
  • Complete homework. Homework may involve projects, assignments, independent study, and review of notes.  Students must organize and prioritize their time to meet the workload for each course.




  • Attend class on time and be prepared to learn.
  • Schedule appointments and vacations outside of school time.
  • Bring a note or have a parent/guardian notify the school, on or before the next day back to confirm an absence.
  • If students arrive late to school, they are to report directly to class.
  • Understand that all unauthorized absences are considered to be truancies (“skipping”) and consequences will be assigned.
  • Missing a class to complete assignments for another course is considered an unauthorized absence.


  • Attend all scheduled assemblies. Books/bags are to be left in their locked classroom and students are to proceed to the designated location when called by the office. Students are not permitted to go to their lockers prior to an assembly.
  • Demonstrate respectful behaviour.


  • Ride only their assigned bus
  • Follow the Code of Conduct as well as other school and board regulations while on the bus or waiting for the bus. The rules that apply in a classroom also apply on a bus.
  • Demonstrate respectful behaviour and language on the bus.


  • Consume food and drinks in the cafeteria and put all waste and recyclables in the appropriate receptacles. Keep floors and tables clean.
  • Teachers use their discretion to allow food or drink in classrooms.

Cell Phones, Cameras, laptops etc.

  • Power off and put away hand-held devices during instructional time unless instructed by a classroom teacher to use the device for an educational purpose related to the course curriculum.
  • Understand how to use social media and texting in a positive, responsible way so it has a positive effect on school climate and does NOT distract student learning.

Class Start


End Time

  • Attend all classes on time. Class start time is signalled by the school bell. Times are posted in the school calendar.
  • Be dismissed by the classroom teacher and not the bell.
  • Remain in their class for the entire period. Classes are not released early.



Media Use, and

  • Sign a Computer/Media Usage Agreement before they are given access to a computer account.  The agreement outlines user fees, responsible use requirements, as well as consequences for violation.
  • Access their own files and use only their password.
  • Work in assigned areas of the computer system, only.
  • Demonstrate appropriate conduct that is related to instruction when using equipment and the computer system.
  • Read and follow the Computer/Media Usage Agreement each year.


  • Purchase and possess a Student Card to attend a dance.
  • Enter the dance by the advertised time. No one will be admitted after this time.
  • Attend school the day of the dance unless the absence can be explained by a parent or guardian.
  • Complete a Guest Application Form for one guest and submit to the front office/student council by 2:15 PM two days prior to the dance. Westminster students are responsible for the conduct of their guests. Guests must present a student card from their own secondary school.
  • Westminster graduates may not attend dances.
  • Leave all belongings in the coat check area. Lockers are not accessible. Valuables are to be left at home.
  • Remain in the building during the dance. If they leave, they will not be re-admitted. 
  • Comply with all Code of Conduct requirements while at a dance.  Alcohol, vaping, and drug-related violations will result in a suspension and police investigation that may result in a charge and fine.

Deleting or Changing



  • Attend all courses on the assigned timetable.
  • Students wishing to delete/change a course must make a guidance appointment.
  • Students are to continue in regular attendance in each course until a completed drop sheet is signed by a parent and/or supported by the Administration and returned to the guidance counsellor.
  • Students in grades 9 and 10 will be scheduled in four courses each semester. Spares are not permitted until 24 credits have been successfully completed. Only in special cases will rare exceptions be made. 


  • Report to the designated detention area promptly at the beginning of lunch or when otherwise assigned by a staff member.
  • Inappropriate behaviour while in detention will result in additional consequences.
  • Students must bring homework or a book to read.


  • Wear clothing free from language or graphics that are discriminatory, profane, and/or depict violence or illegal substances such as tobacco, drugs or alcohol.
  • Wear footwear appropriate to the activity and environment. 
  • This dress code applies to all school authorized events both on and off school property.

Emergency Drills

  • Understand their responsibilities during mandatory Fire, Severe Weather and Lockdown Drills.
  • Always listen to teachers’ instructions during emergency drills.



Final Evaluations

  • Attend each end-of-semester evaluation (summatives and exams). The examination dates for the school year are set in advance and can be found by referring to the school calendar. 
  • Schedule vacations, family trips, and other appointments at times other than the examination period. Failure to write a final examination will result in a mark of zero and possible loss of credit.
  • Deferral from writing an examination will be given only for a valid medical or bereavement reason.

False Fire Alarm

  • Be diligent in reporting an unsafe situation or emergency.
  • Signalling a false alarm of fire by pulling an alarm or other form of communication puts the entire community at risk and is a criminal offence. Fines and/or criminal charges will result.

Field trips

and Authorized

School Functions

  • Complete a signed permission form from a parent or guardian before the student may participate in a school sanctioned activity.
  • Students are responsible for all work missed. Arrangements with teachers should be made well in advance of the activity.


  • Remain in the assigned area of instruction for the entire class time.
  • Students who are excused from their class for washroom purposes with the permission of the teacher must have a hall pass.
  • Time in hallways is to be kept to an absolute minimum.
  • Travel quietly through the hallways. Students are not to interrupt classes.



  • Treat all people with mutual respect, dignity and worth. The learning environment is to be free of inappropriate behaviours as they relate to race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, record of offences, family status, and/or handicap.

Health Room

Nurse’s Office

  • Notify a teacher and/or report to the Main Office if a student becomes ill at school. Students may be admitted to the designated Health Room for a brief period or sent home under parent/guardian supervision.




  • Use only the one lock and locker assigned to them. Lock combinations are to be registered with the front office. Lockers are to be kept free of graffiti and damage.
  • Display text, graphics, or photos that are in good taste, do not promote illegal activity and do not contravene any section of the Code of Conduct.
  • Empty and clear their locker of pictures, posters, stickers, and trash by the specified time.
    • Understand that lockers are the property of the school and may be searched by the Administration if there is reasonable cause to do so.


  • Socialize in the cafeteria or atrium. Hallway traffic is not to be impeded.
  • Keep the entrances to the school clear to promote safety as well as a positive school image.
  • Leave the parking lot immediately.

Music Players

  • Use sound equipment and instruments, for educational purposes, in a responsible manner that is not a distraction. Sound equipment may be used in class at the discretion of the teacher.

National Anthem and Announcements


  • The national anthem begins at 8:20 AM. Students are expected to stand quietly and remove hats/hoodies during the playing of the National Anthem.
  • Listen attentively to all announcements.  


  • Use only the parking lot located to the North - East of the school.  Parking in any other area is prohibited.
  • Safe and lawful driving practices must be demonstrated.
  • Arrive to school on-time or parking privileges will be revoked.

Posters and Pamphlets

  • Receive permission from the principal or vice-principal to distribute or post material on school property.

Private Property

  • Always stay off private property. Residential and commercial neighbours have made it clear their property is out-of-bounds.

Scent Aware Environment

  • Avoid the use of products such as perfumes, colognes and deodorants that contain scents. Our goal would be to create a scent-free learning environment to ensure the safety of everyone.

Shop and Lab


  • Wear safety glasses, appropriate clothing and footwear while in the shop or laboratory work areas.
  • Keep the work areas clean, return all equipment to assigned locations, and follow safety guidelines.

Signing In

and Signing Out

  • Report to the Main Office with a note from their parent or guardian to leave the school during the school day. A call may be made to confirm the note.
  • Failure to sign out of school is considered an unexplained absence. Parents/guardians will receive a phone call home for any period their child has missed where a note or call was not received.

Smoking and Vaping

  • Adhere to all provincial and federal legislation regarding smoking and vaping. Smoking, any tobacco product including chewing tobacco and electronic cigarettes (vapes) are not permitted on school property. All students are encouraged not to smoke.
  • Use of any tobacco product or electronic cigarette on school property is illegal and may result in a charge and fine.

Spare Time

and Study Periods

  • Be in the library, or tables around the auditorium during a spare period. Hallway wandering is not a productive use of time and violates the intent of the study period.

Textbooks, Supplies,

and Equipment

  • Exercise caution with loaned materials from the school. Students are responsible for the textbooks, library books, supplies, and equipment loaned to them and will need to pay for the loss or damage.

Washroom Capacity

  • Follow the capacity guidelines for all shared washroom spaces. Washrooms are private places and not meeting areas.


Full Disclosure
Grade 11 and 12 courses dropped five days or later after the Midterm Reports have been issued will appear on a student’s transcript as a W for withdrawal. Also appearing will be the mark which the student has achieved by the time of the drop. 
Attendance Matters 

“Missing school does matter: student achievement can suffer even if a student misses just 5 days of school. Students who miss more than 10 days of school are more than 20% less likely to graduate than their peers, and those same students have 25% lower likelihood of ever enrolling in any type of college.” (from Skipping to Nowhere, p.2) 


Student Responsibility for Attendance 

Respect and responsibility are demonstrated when a student comes to school prepared, on time and ready to learn. 

Sleeping in is not considered a valid reason for missing class. 

Students are not permitted to miss classes in order to complete work from another class. 


Parent Responsibility for Attendance 

Parents play an important role in the education of their children and have a responsibility to support the efforts of school staff in maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment for all students. Parents fulfill their responsibility when they: 


·       Show an active interest in their child’s school work and progress 

·       Communicate regularly with the school 

·       Ensure that their child attends school regularly and on time 

·       Promptly report to the school their child’s absence, late arrival or early dismissal 

·       Do not give students permission to miss class and remain on school property. 

 General School Information
 Athletic Conduct

Students shall:

  • participate in the spirit of fair play
  • participate in a manner which is free of violence
  • participate in a manner that is free from substance use (performance enhancing drugs, illicit drugs, alcohol)
  • be subject to applicable rules, policies and decisions as determined by the TVRAA, the officiating personnel, coaches and school authorities
  • respect the spirit and intent of the rules and regulations contained within the TVRAA Constitution and its related rules
  • adhere to all school rules when participating in athletics or as spectators


Failure to comply with the expectations above, may lead to discipline by both TVRAA and the school.

 Athlete/Participant Eligibility

a)    In the first three years of high school students must be registered as full-time students. In the fourth year of high school students must be registered in at least four courses

b)    All students are expected to be in attendance in all classes on the day of the competition

c)    It is expected that student athletes will maintain regular attendance in all their classes

d)    A student is eligible to participate for a maximum of 5 consecutive school years from the date of entry into grade 9

 Code of Conduct for Spectators
  • Cheer in a positive manner
  • Respect the officials’ decisions
  • Do not interfere with the competition
  • Keep off the playing area
  • Be courteous and respectful
 Student Concussion Policies

In response to Ministry of Education requirements and in support of our existing school safety procedures, schools are required to follow certain steps whenever a student suffers a concussion or whenever a concussion is suspected.  Parents can access Concussion Policies and Procedures through the board website or by contacting the school and requesting a copy.  As with any potential injury, our first goal is prevention; concussion awareness and prevention is part of ongoing professional training for staff and is integrated into students’ Health and Physical Education curriculum.

Since concussion can affect a student’s ability to learn or to participate in activities, schools will work with parents and medical contacts to assist any student who has suffered concussion.  If an injury occurs on a weekend or after school, parents are asked to inform the school so that appropriate accommodations and support can be provided.


Questions can be directed to the school principal.


 Lost and Found

Recovered articles should be brought immediately to the office. It is strongly suggested that students not bring valuables to school. Students should not leave valuable items in Phys. Ed. change rooms. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen property.

 Phone Calls

A phone for personal calls is located in the main office. Calls are restricted to contacting parent or guardian.


Students must obtain a signature from a vice-principal to distribute or post materials on school property. Posted materials are restricted to designated school areas.

 School Council

School Council plays a vital role in our school. It provides a forum through which parents, guardians, students, school staff and community people can contribute to improving student achievement and school performance. The council meets 4 times a year at Westminster and is open to all members of the school community. For more information, please contact the Principal.

 School Nurse

A school nurse from the Middlesex-London Health Unit is available at Westminster. Parents and students are invited to call the school nurse about any student health concerns.

 Smoke Free Ontario

Smoking is prohibited on school property 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. School property includes the interior of the building and school grounds. Smoking in your car on school property is still an offence. These rules apply to all parents, teachers, students, and visitors. An individual who contravenes these rules is subject to a maximum fine of $5,000.00.

 Student Fees

Students enrolled in secondary schools in the Thames Valley District School Board can expect to be provided with the basic classroom learning resources that are required in order to complete the course expectations. It is recognized there may be optional resources that students may purchase to enhance their program (e.g. field trips, upgrading materials in courses such as construction tech or visual arts).

Students are expected to come to school ready to participate actively in their own learning. To that end, students are expected to bring materials with them for their own personal note taking (e.g., pencils, pens, paper, and binders).


Students are expected to purchase a Student Card and pay the Student Activity fee of $20.00. Fees support student parliament activities and various functions. A student card is needed to withdraw books from the library, to enter a dance, to join a school team or club, etc. Students involved in teams and clubs will be made aware of any additional participation fees prior to making a commitment to the group.


 Student Identification

If you are asked to identify yourself by a staff member (teacher, custodian, bus driver, secretary, etc.) you must do so. If you are asked to go to the office for disciplinary reasons, you must go immediately. Failure to comply with the above may result in an immediate suspension.

 Student/Parent Portal

It is possible to find out about your student’s attendance, lates, credit counselling summary (marks), and homework through the student/parent portal or the school’s website. Parents that have provided the school with e-mail addresses will be invited to participate in the parent portal and will also receive regular electronic information updates from the school. Students and parents have separate logins to the portal. Students who are experiencing difficulty accessing the portal should go to the main office.

 Textbooks and Other School Materials

Textbooks, library books, uniforms and other materials are loaned to students. Materials that are not returned to the school in good condition must be paid for by the student. 

 Vehicle Policy

Students should be dropped off at the east side of the school. The turning circle is reserved for buses and delivery vehicles. Students must not park in areas reserved for staff and visitors. Motorcycles may be parked next to the tennis courts. Bicycles should be securely locked to the bicycle rack located in the turning circle.


All visitors, immediately upon entry, must report to the main office, sign in, receive a visitor’s pass while at school and then sign out upon leaving. Students may not bring guests to the school. According to the “Trespass to Property Act,” offences are committed when a person who has no legal right to do so enters on school property, and when a person does not leave the school immediately after being directed to do so. Permission from the principal or vice principal gives legal right. We must know at all times who is in our school and why.

 Assessment and Evaluation Policy at Westminster

The purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve student learning. Assessment and evaluation tasks allow students to demonstrate their learning and provide teachers with information for further instruction. Assessment and evaluation tasks at Westminster Secondary School are based on the principles of assessment and evaluation outlined by the Ministry of Education and the Thames Valley District School Board. Information about the overall assessment expectations and assignment of marks will be provided in the course outlines distributed at the beginning of each course. Additional information about assessment tasks and evaluation criteria will be clearly communicated to students and parents throughout the semester. Teachers will plan assessment tasks that are fair, equitable, varied and reflective of diverse student needs. Feedback will be provided in a timely manner. Students are expected to complete assignment tasks to the best of their ability, using the resources at the school for support. Parents are encouraged to monitor student progress through ongoing communication with their child and teacher.


Late and Missed Assignments


It is important that students complete assignments in a timely manner so that teachers can provide feedback to help students improve. Teachers will provide students with clear evaluation criteria and assignment due dates when assessment tasks are assigned. Students will be given reasonable notice of test and exam dates.


Time management is an important skill for the workplace and post-secondary education. Students are expected to take responsibility for completing work by the assigned due date. Students and/or parents should be in contact with the classroom teacher if extenuating circumstances prevent a student from completing work by the assigned date.


Teachers will offer students support in various ways such as: providing ongoing feedback and reminders of expectations, planning for major assignments to be finished in smaller segments and offering additional assistance as appropriate. To help students submit work on time, teachers will offer support which may include: reminders about deadlines, conferencing with the student, providing opportunities for the student to work with school staff to complete the work or negotiating alternate due dates or assignments. The types of support will vary according to student needs, course type and grade level. If strategies to support students have been implemented and the assignment is handed in late or not submitted, the teacher may deduct part or full marks. If a teacher is planning to deduct marks for late or missed assignments in a course, this must be communicated to students in writing at the start of the semester.


Academic Dishonesty – Cheating and Plagiarism


Cheating can be described as “an effort to defraud, deceive or elude someone else.” Examples include: “taking a test or exam in a dishonest way through improper access to answers, or giving or obtaining assistance without knowledge.” Plagiarism is defined as an “act of theft such as borrowing, cheating, stealing, or copying. Plagiarism is intentionally or unintentionally using another person’s work or ideas and presenting them as [one’s] own” (TVDSB Assessment & Evaluation Procedure).


The consequences for academic dishonesty may include: a loss of partial marks, receiving a mark of zero, redoing the assignment, completing an alternate assignment, or suspension. Consequences will be determined based on the circumstances of the incident and the course level. Consequences will be communicated to the student and parent.




All students are expected to write final examinations that are held at the end of each semester. Medical certificates may be required for students who miss exams due to illness.


Alternate exam requests due to family commitments, vacations or job conflicts will not be approved. Textbooks and all outstanding materials must be returned to the teacher prior to writing the exam.


Calculation of Honours Standing


  • Gr. 9 - final average of at least 80% on best 8 courses
  • Gr. 10 - final average of at least 80% on best 8 courses
  • Gr. 11 - final average of at least 80% on best 7 courses
  • Gr. 12 - final average of at least 80% on best 6 courses

*  any combination of u, m, c, o, or e level will be considered

 TVDSB Assessment and Evaluation Message

Message to Parents/Guardians and Students


In April 2010, the Ministry of Education released a document called Growing Success, Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting in Ontario Schools (available at  → under Programs → under Assessment and Evaluation). The document provides details regarding assessment and evaluation practices which all teachers in Ontario must implement. 


The Assessment and Evaluation (Growing Success) Policy and Procedure developed by the Thames Valley District School Board is also found on the Board’s website at →  under Board → under Policies and Procedures → Assessment and Evaluation (Growing Success) Policy and Procedure #5015. These documents clearly describe the important roles that teachers, students, principals, parents and superintendents play in ensuring fair, transparent and equitable assessment and evaluation practices to meet the learning needs of all students.


The Board also developed a homework guideline and parent brochure (also found on the Board’s website) to assist teachers, students and parents/guardians in the assignment and completion of homework. 


We invite you to review these policies and procedures and to discuss with staff at your school.


Thames Valley District School Board is committed to providing high quality education for all students. We are confident that by working together, we will be able to achieve this goal. 


Best wishes for a successful school year!


Student Awards


Westminster recognizes a number of academic achievements. An annual Awards Assembly recognizes honour roll students and subject award winners. To be eligible for the Honour Roll, students must be a full-time student. For students in grades 9 and 10, you must be enrolled in 8 courses. For students in grade 11, you must be enrolled in at least 7 courses. For students in grade 12, you must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 courses. 


Commencement celebrates potential Grade 12 graduates. Select Westminster Subject Departments also will nominate students for internal school awards.  


Please go to the following link to find the Student Awards and Scholarships available for Westminster students through the Thames Valley District School Board/Thames Valley Education Foundation.


Student Teams and Clubs

Westminster Secondary School believes that extra-curricular activities help to improve learning for all students.
Opportunities are available for students to participate during and outside of school time. Participation in extra-curricular programs develops social skills, enhances self-esteem, and promotes leadership qualities.

Students participating in extra-curricular programs must:

  • attend school full-time (e.g. at least 3 courses per semester)
  • participate regularly and behave appropriately
  • demonstrate a serious commitment to their studies (e.g. earn a passing grade in all courses)
  • have their current student card

Note: If students do not fulfill the above expectations, they will be suspended from teams and clubs (practice and performance) for a two-week period. At the end of this suspension period, the student’s participation status will be reassessed by coaches and administration. If it is determined that a student is now meeting expectations, he or she will be reinstated. If the student is still not meeting expectations, he or she will be withdrawn from teams and clubs for the rest of the academic year.



  • Badminton
  • Basketball
  • Volleyball
  • Cross-Country



  • Football
  • Softball
  • Wrestling


  • SAA
  • Soccer
  • Track & Field


  • Music Council



  • Concert Band
  • Jazz Band


Service Organizations

  • Best Buddies Program
  • Christian Student Association
  • Indigenous Student Association



  • Gender Spectrum Alliance
  • Leadership
  • Black Students Alliance



  • Muslim Student Association
  • Students’ Parliament
  • Wildcat Live

Special Interest

  • Chess Club
  • Dance Company
  • Writer's Club



  • STEM Club
  • Robotics Club
  • Math Club


  • Fitness Club
  • Skills Competition
  • Cursive Writing Club
  • Crochet Club


Contact Us

Westminster Secondary School 

Home of the Wildcats!

© 2023 , 230 Base Line Road West, London . Tel. 519-452-2900, Fax 519-452-2919,, Superintendent: S. Powell, Trustees: L. Pizzolato, S. Polhill